Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Holden's Homecoming

We were discharged from the hospital Friday evening in the pouring rain. We laughed about how rain seems to be a common theme for the big events in our lives...our wedding, the move-in day into our house, and now taking Holden home. We'll believe what they say and take it as a good sign. We originally thought we would stay until Saturday but the Drs encouraged us to pack up and head home which we took as a good sign that we were both healthy, although we were definitely going to miss our night nurses! Grammy and Uncle David C accompanied us and got some great pictures.

Getting changed out of the hospital garb and into his first real outfit The new family ready to leave the hospital room

Free at last!!!

Another shot of the family

We made it!

Ahhhh, that was exhausting!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Surprise Visitor

We enjoyed our hospital time much as we do at home...watching Seinfeld. While watching on Thursday evening we heard a knock on our door and expected it to be our nurse Stephanie doing a routine pop in. Much to our surprise it was Uncle David (C) who spontaneously drove all the way from South Carolina to meet Holden, still wearing his formal work clothes. At first I kept saying I couldn't believe it. Then I quickly realized, yes I do believe it because that's the kind of person David is. We were so touched that he went to the trouble to drive up and surprise us. The best part is he was able to spend most of the weekend with us, and be with us for Holden's homecoming.

Holden would especially like to thank cousins Molly & Lindsey for sharing their Daddy with him over the weekend. We know how much they missed him!

HE'S HERE!!!!!

Holden David arrived Wednesday, September 24 at 7:38 AM weighing 6 lbs, 14 oz and was 21 inches long. Contractions started Monday night and we ended up in the OR with an unplanned C-section Wednesday morning, but it was all well worth it. Holden is perfect and we are in love. We both look at him in amazement and feel so lucky to be his parents. He is a great baby and only squeaks when he needs something. We are so happy!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What's in a Name?

Holden David

As soon as we found out we were having a boy, we knew we wanted to choose a name that somehow honored Erin's Dad. The obvious would be to name him after his Grandfather but, call us crazy, we just didn't think Bernard (Bernie) was quite right for him. Our next thought was immediately to Holden, as in Holden Beach, NC. Erin's Dad enjoyed spending time at Holden Beach and unexpectedly passed away while vacationing there on June 29, 1997. Holden is his first grandson. We look forward to sharing all the wonderful memories of his Grandpa with him and taking him to the beach for a visit someday.

The name David also has a family connection. Both our brothers are David and it was also Erin's Dad's middle name.
Here are a few pictures of Holden's Grandpa...the first was taken about 3 weeks before he died, the other is a self portrait of Erin and her Dad taken January 1996.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Room - A Group Effort

Holden is very lucky to have such a talented bunch in his family working on his room. It started with Kylie and Raven (his canine siblings) moving their crates out of his space fairly early on in order to de-fur and freshen up the place. They also (for free) pulled apart the room carpet attached to the hall carpet when they locked themselves in the room. Mommy not happy. Then the real work began. Rob painted the ceiling, Erin painted the walls, and Grammy painted the trim and bubbles (not an easy task to say the least). Ernie set up the crib and installed the blinds and ceiling fan with Grammy's help. Uncle David and Aunt Christina donated the crib and books, and cousin Molly made the dinosaur displayed on the middle hutch shelf. Rob assembled the dresser/hutch combo. Erin & Rob assembled the glider together (a gift from Grammy), and Grammy made the table cloth. The crib bedding was a gift from Grandma & Grandpa M, and Aunt Karen & Kevin. His name will go above the crib after his arrival. And here are the results above...

And Baby Makes Three

quick pregnancy recap...

Postive home test on January 17, 2008 (and 18th and a few more after that just in case we were seeing things).

First appt and ultrasound on February 14 at 8 weeks exactly. Official due date is Sept 25 (2 days after Grandma M and Bruce Springsteen's birthday, we'll see if we can match it).

Feb 15 - Grammy, Ernie and Grandma M receive a "Valentine's gift" of the framed ultrasound to break the news. After the shock wore off, we headed out to dinner to celebrate.

Heard the heartbeat at 12 week appt on March 13. Measuring in the 150 range.

Big ultrasound on May 5...IT'S A BOY!!!!! Just like we both thought. And most importantly we got a clean bill of health.

Erin feels first kicks on May 18.

Surprise shower June 28 at Keckapulco - thanks to Holly, Keely, Marcy, Adrienne, Melanie, Trisha, Tina & Monica. The Pack-n-Play command center is ready to go!

July 14, Erin has gestational diabetes and has to do the unthinkable (for her, at least) and check her blood sugar 4 times per day and follow a very strict diet. She mourns the loss of chocolate and all other goodies until after the baby arrives.

Generous family shower in PA on Aug 3 hosted by Grammy. Thankfully Rob made a surprise trip to join everyone and help cart the loot back home.

Aug 18 - Baby's first Bruce show in Richmond. Rob actually volunteered to leave early because he was worried about the noise level damaging the baby's ear drums. If that isn't a father's love, I don't know what is.

Sept 2 - 37 week ultrasound shows baby is head down and in position. All systems are go and the countdown is on!

Sept 3 - Knowing Holden is coming officially puts Mommy and Daddy in shock/excited/scared stage.