Finally a video to post! 6 months is definitely agreeing with Holden. The fussing has calmed down and he's laughing all the time now. One of the belly laugh triggers is the dogs. Sometimes all they have to do is walk by and he'll crack up. He especially loves when they play with Rob and he's fascinated when they eat. We are being proactive and installing a gate to keep them separated just to be on the safe side - I've heard too many scary stories. And as much as I wouldn't mind if our dogs decided to move in with another family, I must say it's pretty cute to watch Holden discover them...from a safe distance.

He's got a golf outfit. Now he just needs clubs and a few years of age.
We went to Philadelphia last weekend for cousin Jack's baptism and a visit with Great Grandma Cerra.
Like Father, Like Son

First juice

Some smiles with a side of peas

Playing outside with some of his favorite toys