Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ghost Train

We rode the Ghost Train at Burke Lake with Katharine, Steve, and Holden's buddy Owen. We had a great time, partly because we got there early and beat the crowd. We heard one Dad tell his kids still waiting in line as we were leaving that it was probably going to be at least an hour until their turn. We smiled and patted ourselves on the back since we're not usually an up & at 'em early kind of family. Guess we will be from now on...or at least try!
Holden & Owen. He wasn't a fan of the fur around his face.

All Aboard!

We saw Bob the Builder along the way, amongst others

The Great Pumpkin passing out candy

Waiting to ride the carousel

Follow me, Owen

Later that night we celebrated neighbor Shreyes' 2nd birthday with a dinner party of homemade Indian food. We all thought it was delicious, especially Holden who helped himself to 2 plates full.

Friday, October 23, 2009

More Catching Up

Pumpkin Picking

Fun on the merry-go-round with Daddy
Holden's all time favorite Classical Baby

Holden's impression of Raven - yuck!

Crashed out

Enjoying one of the last warm days of the season

Lunch with the Ladies - Holden and his girlfriends at Chick-Fil-A toddler time. They were all shaking their instruments to the music.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Catch Up

A little behind on the posts. Time is flying by! Here are a few pictures - still have more to load.Checking out what is left of Sydney's birthday cake. She is 4 days younger than Holden.
Birthday buddies

Wild Child

Harley Holden courtesy of Uncle David, Molly, and Lindsey.

Meeting baby Alex who was born on Holden's birthday.

With Grammy and his favorite book

3rd Anniversary Date Night

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stride Rite of Passage

I wore Stride Rite, my brothers wore Stride Rite, my neices wore Stride Rite, and now it is Holden's turn. Grammy took us for the tradition of buying the first real pair of shoes after we got his 1 year pictures done. The sales clerk even took a picture with the store camera and mounted it on a keepsake card. They had me at Hello.

Blue or Brown?

Blue it is

Big Boy!

1 Year Pics - might be a bit blurry because I copied them off the studio's website