Friday, February 26, 2010

Birthday at CFA

For my birthday we went to the fine dining establishment of Chick-Fil-A, my choice. Holden had been cooped up in the house with me for the past few weeks for reasons beyond our control so my birthday wish was to see him walking around and having fun at our new CFA with the cool indoor play area. He had a great time, which made it a great birthday for me.

Get me out of this house!!

Check out the funhouse mirror
Driving the boatThe slide monitor

Showing Daddy how much fun he was having

Friday, February 19, 2010

First Haircut

Holden got his first real haircut. He started out happy sitting in my lap and watching the cartoons. Then he got annoyed, then angry, and finally inconsolable. It was like getting shots times 10. But he looked so cute when he was finally done, the tears were wiped, and his face turned from blood red back to normal - poor thing!


After and recovering. Not many pictures/video of the actual cut because it was an all hands on deck operation to try to keep him still.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


2 plus feet of snow has fallen in the past 6 days. Rob made a run to the grocery store to reload in between storms, and his exact quote was, "It's a war zone out there". We've been home bound and bored but luckily we have had power and cable which has eased our pain. We've lost a few trees, our garbage can and mailbox are buried, and we probably won't see a blade of grass until April, but we are safe & warm and dreaming of sunny days while we sip hot chocolate. It could be worse!The world coming to an end

Friday, February 5, 2010


Rocknocerous is a local music group geared towards preschoolers. They play a free show every week at the mall and I've been meaning to take Holden for a while. We finally got around to it and I'm glad we did. He had a blast and I actually liked the music, too - a nice change of pace from nursery rhymes at the library. We'll be picking up their CDs for the car next time we go.