Holden started Mother's Day Out on Sept 14. He goes every Tuesday from 9:30-1pm. There are 14 2-year-olds in his class with 3 teachers. They are brave, brave women. The classroom was like a war zone on the first day and they just smiled and gently booted all of the parents out of the room while every child was screaming. It was brutal. Holden had a great time at the open house a few days earlier so he happily trotted down the hall and into the classroom on the first day. It quickly turned ugly once he realized Rob and I were leaving, but we followed the teacher's direction and quickly headed out the door. We had to get his EpiPen on file with the office after dropping him off and we could still hear him crying down the hall. Once all the parents were gone, his class headed off to the playground. We got a glimse of him while waiting at the office and the poor little guy was still crying as he was walking around. We got his papers and EpiPen all set then headed off feeling like I left my heart on that playground but also feeling comfortable that his teachers are very experienced and will take excellent care of him. Rob and I went to Starbucks then ran a few errands. I probably checked my cell phone a million times over the next 3.5 hours. When I went back to pick him up at 1pm, the teacher told me he was in the sandbox. What?? My child? In a sandbox? I tried to get him in a sandbox all summer with no luck. Guess I should believe his teacher when she said it's amazing what they'll do for them but not the parents. He got upset and started to cry when he saw me but quickly recovered as we walked out. The teachers said he did very well for his first day and only had one incident - a fall from his chair during lunch. He did a little coloring during art time and ate a fair amount of his lunch. He also did well during circle/story time and outside on the playground but wasn't too happy during the transitions. All things considered, it was a great day! We are very proud of our little man!!

In the car and ready for school!

Special escort by Daddy
Checking out a classroom along the way.

In you go....


Pick up time. Through his tears he kept saying, "Hi Mommy" and patted my face as we walked out.

His very first artwork at school.

He was all smiles when we got home. Grammy came over and gave him a special first day of school gift - this train conductor hat and whistle to go along with his new train table.

Looking a lot like Daddy here as he plays with Grammy.
Our other fall adventure is a Tiny Tots class on Monday mornings at Farm School, the preschool on our local farm. It's a class for 2-year-olds and their parents and is similiar to a day of preschool, just shorter and with parent participation. Afterwards we take a walk to visit the animals or play on the playground. It's a perfect way to start our week!