With winter making an appearance this week, we've stayed bundled up at home with the exception of a shopping trip with Daddy, a quick stop at Babies R Us, and a visit to Grammy's. Holden is a true champ on our outtings. He loves his carseat and spends most of the time sleeping or quietly taking in the sights. This week he graduated from the hammock to actually sitting in his bathtub...another activity he loves. We've been doing a bath every night around 9pm followed by feeding then bed. He's been sleeping for 4 hour stretches, sometimes longer - much to my delight. I finally don't feel like I've been hit by a truck. He's also been passing out smiles, something we hope he does lots of for the family visits this week.
With all these great milestones comes another...his 2 month check up and the dreaded shots on Monday. I'm not kidding when I say I'm losing what little sleep I get over this. Despite the fact that I had what my Dr. described as a "really rough birth experience" and lived to tell about it, the thought of even being in the same room with needles still freaks me out. Combine that with the fact that those needles are going into my sweet little baby makes me want to pass out. Do you think they would call Social Services on me if I popped a few percocets left over from the c-section beforehand??
A few pictures...

Still trying for a good smile shot

Tummy Time
OMG! that is the most darling blanket, hat, and booties set! the shots are really quick, i promise! just scoop him up and give plenty of love and he'll be better in no time :)
He is just growing!!! He's perfect. If he will take a paci bring it with you and give it to him before they give him the shots - works like a champ. It will be over in like 1 minute - really!
I just love, love the pics. As for the shots, you are being a good Mom. YOU will get over it and Holden will be just fine. Very cute idea with the blanket set. Lots of love and kisses Holden, Grammy
He looks so sweet in the hat. I hope his shots went okay. I hated that part when I went with Courtney and Amelia had to get her shots.
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