Well, my guess of entering the joys of teething was correct...we have a tooth!! Holden woke up from his morning nap on Thursday grabbed my fingers and put them in his mouth. I didn't think much of it because everything goes into his mouth these days. I wasn't expecting him to get a tooth so soon so I just about fell over when I felt this
unmistakable razor sharp item protruding from his lower gum. It was almost like he knew it cut through and was so proud to show me. I've spent every waking moment since then trying to get a good picture of it but he keeps sticking his tongue out instead. I've been able to sneak a glimpse of it a few times during a quick smile but nothing on camera yet.

This is what I get when I try to sneak a peak

Or this...

First attempt at a sippy cup - starting early since I never got him on a bottle

This is Sophie the Giraffe - technically an expensive French teething toy but could easily pass as a cheap dog toy. I read that babies LOVE this thing and I was desperate for some teething relief so I ordered online and waited patiently for her to arrive. What does Holden think? It's ok at best, his fingers are still top choice (and were free). What do I think? You WILL love Sophie...Sophie is your friend...you WILL love Sophie.

Back at the gym

Hanging out with Riley in the hammock swing
hahaha! they both looked so thrilled in the hammock!
Well, I knew he was going to have teeth early, just like his Mommy and Uncles/ I guess it is the Smith/Cerra genes. Ernie and I really missed seeing the blog and all the updates. We had a great vacation but are happy to be home. Holden not only got a tooth but also grew some hair and some very, very beautiful eyelashes.
xoxoxo Grammy
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