Monday, June 29, 2009

River Repeat

We had so much fun on our first river trip of the season that we decided to make it 2 in a row. More good food, more fun with Grammy & Ernie, and another beautiful sunset. Earlier in the week we had 3 fun trips to the pool, a visit to Rob's office for an ice cream break and to celebrate Holden turning 9 months, and a hot but fun playdate at the farm. Life is good!
Pondering life while watching the sunsetRiding RavenLike Father, Like SonHanging out on the back porch after dinnerRob braving the PotomacHappily playing on the porchAhhhhHolden and Raven bonding on the trip home
I'm 9 months old!!!

Floating around the baby pool

A cow at the farm
My reaction when the cow decided to moo very loudly over my shoulder

Monday, June 22, 2009

Dad's Day at the River

Holden made his debut trip to the river this weekend. We were spoiled by Grammy & Ernie...plenty of great food and full time babysitters. We left wishing we could stay another night and wondering why we don't go every weekend. Holden had a blast and slept until 10:30am the next morning.

Watching the sunset with Daddy

Attempt at a family self portrait Posing with ErnieAnd DaddyThe beautiful sunset view from the porch
Swinging with Grammy - a favorite river activity

Thrilled to be at our pool a few days earlier

Water table fun at Reilly's birthday party

Grammy giving his first "haircut". His right side was longer than the left so he needed a trim

Much better!

Yummy pancakesMastering sippy cup self service

Look out world, here I come

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Road Trip

Holden's first significant road trip is in the books. We headed down 95 to visit the South Carolina crew and celebrate David's birthday. Holden was a trooper, stopping only once during the 8 hour trip down and back. He had so much fun with cousins Molly, Lindsey, and Hannah and is completely bored being back at home with just us. I didn't have our camera so here are some pictures courtesy of Chris' awesome camera and photography skills. Love
Grammy and the kiddos

Cuddling with Lindsey

Cute cousins
Hanging with Hannah

Enjoying Uncle David's brew, of which he spit up into a few seconds later.

The girls cooling offGoing for a ride with Lindsey. Each of the girls took a turn pulling Holden around the yard.
Can you see my top teeth? Sophie made the trip and came in handy since he cut 2 more teeth during our visit. He now has a grand total of 6 teeth.Making David's guitar birthday cake
The finished product

Sad to leave

Monday, June 1, 2009

Our Sweet Kylie

A sweet old soul who brought so much joy to us. The house is so quiet without you, we will love and miss you forever.