Holden's first significant road trip is in the books. We headed down 95 to visit the South Carolina crew and celebrate David's birthday. Holden was a trooper, stopping only once during the 8 hour trip down and back. He had so much fun with cousins Molly, Lindsey, and Hannah and is completely bored being back at home with just us. I didn't have our camera so here are some pictures courtesy of Chris' awesome camera and photography skills.


Grammy and the kiddos

Cuddling with Lindsey

Cute cousins

Hanging with Hannah

Enjoying Uncle David's brew, of which he spit up into a few seconds later.

The girls cooling off

Going for a ride with Lindsey. Each of the girls took a turn pulling Holden around the yard.

Can you see my top teeth?

Sophie made the trip and came in handy since he cut 2 more teeth during our visit. He now has a grand total of 6 teeth.

Making David's guitar birthday cake

The finished product

Sad to leave
Holden's 2 teeth up on Amelia! Looks like you had an awesome visit. Can't wait to meet Holden for the 1st time next month!!!
Wow, you are fast. Thought I'd check in just to see if you had a new post and was excited to see the S.C. update. Love to the little man!
Oh Erin! What an accomplishement ;-) He is such a cutie pie and your nieces are beautiful. Keckapulco here we come!
It is nice when everyone can get together. It sounds like the trip was great. He really is a cutie. Looking forward to next month.
LOVE that first picture!!!! He is beautiful!!!! baby boys can be beautiful, right?
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