Sunday, September 13, 2009

11 Months

This is the last "month" shot before our big boy turns ONE - hard to believe!!
Holden's special talent and the inspiration for the Monkey themed birthday party. Why be limited to playing with just one toy at a time?

A surprise visit to deliver flowers to Grammy

Holden vs. mashed potatoes

Holden vs. the corner of our bed (left eye). Boo Boo Bunny to the rescue!

Going for a walk with Grammy

Poor Raven, but notice the Monkey feet. If he was using both hands for the ball, he wouldn't have the joy of torturing the dog and playing with the ball at the same time. Multi-tasking at its finest.

Happy to be back at the River

Buggy ride by the water

Hanging out with Riley

"Reading" a magazine

1 comment:

The Cerra Family said...

Love the mashed potatoes pic. Too funny. Looking forward to seeing pics from the big b-day party this weekend.