Grandma M, Aunt Karen and cousin Libby came for a visit. I got very few pictures of the Libby and Holden together since their schedules were completely opposite - when Libby was up, Holden was asleep and as soon as Holden got up, Libby went down for a nap. We did manage to get some good bathtime blackmail pics for the future...

Rub-a dub, 2 cousins in a tub

Happy Libby! She seemed to like VA so we're hoping for more visits in the future.

That little bundle in my arms is 4 week old baby Steven, our friends Dave & Christina's new son. Holden was pretty interested in him despite his appearance in this picture.

Playing "Where's Holden?"

Water table fun
The swing is back! Holden looks at it then looks at me and says "sit". It's safe to say he loves it, as do all of his friends.

Inspecting the neighbor's yard with Mike the Mower.

Water break at Clemjontri Park, which is the Disney World equivalent of playgrounds. We were there for a few hours and didn't even get to see the whole thing.

Holden & Jack in their matching shorts. We had a fun visit with him and big sis Lily at their house in MD.
Holden likes the sidewalk chalk the Easter Bunny brought him. And artist in the making...
Holden and (another) Jack at our Stroller Fit class cook out. Jack has been a buddy since our days at My Gym.
Raven the racetrack. Holden loves playing with cars, trucks, and trains of all kinds.
Lounging on the lion pillow.

His new rainy day frog boots. Too bad he kicks them off as soon as I put them on.

1 comment:
Love the pics. We have the same water table and I think it'll continue to be a huge hit for many years to come.
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