This is how he looked when he woke up from his nap after having PB&J for lunch. By the time we got to Urgent Care, he had hives all over his torso, too. Testing by the Allergist confirmed his peanut allergy but he tested negative for almond, walnut, pecan, and cashew. He'll get tested again in 2 years. Until then, an epipen goes everywhere he does just in case.

A toddler's idea of putting away the laundry.
In other news, Holden is now officially enrolled in Mother's Day Out at our church (a peanut-free school) starting in September. He'll be in the 2 year old class and go on Tuesdays from 9:30-1pm. Everyone says my tears will dry up as soon as I pull out of the parking lot and realize I have 3.5 hours completely to myself. I'm excited - it'll be good for both of us!
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