Saturday, July 31, 2010

End of July Already?

My blog updates have fallen behind but at least I was able to sneak one in before August arrives tomorrow. July was filled with more summer fun of playdates, time with Grammy, trips to the pool, and StrollerFit. Holden's language has really picked up recently. I sneezed the other day while we were in the car and a sweet little voice from the back seat said "bless you". Grammy reported that he said it to Ernie while they were babysitting him last week but this was the first time I had heard him say it. He's also started saying "Ernie (and/or) Grammy, where are you?" when we drive into a neighborhood. Our night time routine now includes saying Night Night to doggie, cars, shoes, moon, juice, airplane or whatever else pops into his head. It's so nice to hear him communicate in real words, but I'm already missing his "chinese" that he spoke for the past few months. Our boy is getting big!
Whoa! Another trip to Toddler Wonderland park on a beautiful Sunday.

Choo Choo


Chillin' after a fun day.Naked playdate with pal Reilly.Patriotic watertable fun. Loving the Ikea play kitchen.He's watched mommy cook too much...bypassing the stove for the microwave.


This item found its way into our cart.
Deciding the lawnmower was too loud.

Still too loud.That's a wrap for July!

Friday, July 9, 2010

July Already?

I just realized my last post was from Memorial Day and now 4th of July has come and gone. Where does the time go? We've had a busy month of playdates, trips to the pool, and fun with friends & family. Holden and Rob enjoyed (or should I say enjoyed/survived) their first weekend alone while I went on a girl's weekend out of town. The reaction I got upon my return was worth it's weight in gold. Here's a snapshot of Holden's happenings in June.

Getting ready for fun in the sun.

Pool Boy. He gets more and more comfortable in the water with each trip.

Family field trip to Dulles Airport to check out the planes. Obviously we couldn't see much since we weren't ticketed passengers...

So we had to settle for the escalator and baggage carousel for entertainment.

A visit to Arlington National Cemetery on June 29 - my Dad's 13 year anniversary.

Making a wish and tossing a coin.

We went to my Dad's favorite hang out, Moe's, for lunch afterwards. Holden behind the bar...his Grandpa is smiling down on him.
Grammy took us for a train ride at the park on a beautiful but rare June day with temps in the high 70s.
Clinging to Grammy for dear life. I can't blame him, this train shot out of the gate pretty quickly and didn't slow down even through the dark tunnels.

Holden and his buddy. The love affair continues.

The boys on 4th of July.
Sparkler watching in the safety of Daddy's arms.

Fireworks watching in the safety of Mommy's arms.

Tired boy at the end of a happy July 4th and fun weekend with Daddy.