My blog updates have fallen behind but at least I was able to sneak one in before August arrives tomorrow. July was filled with more summer fun of playdates, time with Grammy, trips to the pool, and StrollerFit. Holden's language has really picked up recently. I sneezed the other day while we were in the car and a sweet little voice from the back seat said "bless you". Grammy reported that he said it to Ernie while they were babysitting him last week but this was the first time I had heard him say it. He's also started saying "Ernie (and/or) Grammy, where are you?" when we drive into a neighborhood. Our night time routine now includes saying Night Night to doggie, cars, shoes, moon, juice, airplane or whatever else pops into his head. It's so nice to hear him communicate in real words, but I'm already missing his "chinese" that he spoke for the past few months. Our boy is getting big!
Still too loud.

That's a wrap for July!
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