Picking one that isn't "yucky" - his new favorite word.

Got one!
Stopping to watch the "buggies" on our walk. For some reason, sidewalk ants are fascinating and apple ants are "yucky"
Holden continues to be obsessed with cars, trucks, trains and airplanes so we went to the park near National Airport to watch the planes take off and land. On the way we saw the metro and a real train. The commentary from the back seat was, "A car!" "A big, big truck!" "A bus!" "A choo-choo!" and of course, "Airplane!" once we got to the park.
Coming in for landing
Airplane watching close-up.
Holden's interest was diverted when these "quack quacks" came along.
We spent a few days at the river last week. Holden was a good helper picking up pinecones and sticks for Grammy & Ernie.
Helping Ernie with the grass.
Petting the neighbors yard toys.
Stopping the smell the "flowers"

A few other random pics...

Pudding faceThe Hamburgler
Entertaining himself in Grammy's kitchen.
That's all for August. We have an exciting September coming up - another weekend river trip, 4 days at Virginia Beach, Mother's Day Out starts, Holden's birthday, and party. I better get busy!