Holden had his first visit with the big guy on Saturday. He tends to take after his mom and isn't much of a morning person but he did well. He fell asleep while Grammy was holding him in line. He opened his eyes for a split second to check out Santa when we placed him on his lap then dozed back off to dreamland. We figure he'll be scared out of his mind next year so we were glad to get a bunch of cute peaceful pictures this year.
Afterwards we came home to get ready for the visit from the Berriens'. We had a fun pizza party, watched Christmas specials, and "Uncle Rob" rocked out on Grace's Hannah Montana guitar. A good time was had by all. We hope they can visit again soon!
What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?
Grammy, sleepy Holden, and Rudolph
The family (the matching sweaters were a pure coincidence...I swear)

Kisses for my sweet boy
Erro you look AMAZING,...oh yeah, you look great too Rob. :) I love the pictures of Holden with Santa. Too cute! Have a wonderful Christmas guys!
Thanks so much for coming to breakfast with Santa. I really loved showing our sweet grandson off to everyone. Lots of love, xoxoxo Grammy
It will probably be a while before you get another picture with santa without tears. They do make for funny pictures. He really is so adorable. Congrats on being a stay at home mom too. Love all the pictures.
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