Holden had a fun, jam-packed 1st Thanksgiving. We visited with Uncle David, Aunt Christina, and Molly & Lindsey on Wednesday then headed to Grammy's for the feast on Thursday. The turkey weighed 3 pounds more than him. Funny to think next year he'll be chowing down on the real thing. Saturday Great Grandma C and the rest of the crew came for a visit, which included a birthday party for her and Stella - his first one! We wrapped things up on Sunday with some Christmas decorating.

Pilgrim Molly, Lindsey and Holden getting ready to feast

Great Grandma C and her grandbabies

Grammy love

Happy Birthday Grandma!



Holden "supervising" the Christmas decorating. Imagine how disappointed he'll be when he realizes our tree comes in pieces out of a box vs. the cute image on his shirt.
I think he looks more like Erin now. He is changing so fast. It was nice that you had everyone together for Thanksgiving.
What a blessed Thanksgiving we had. I am in heaven when we are all together. I really missed Chris and Hannah - maybe next year. Always remember, there is nothing like family. I love you all. Thanks for such a nice weekend especially that great soup. Love, Grammy
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