Friday, February 20, 2009

Food & Family

A busy week...first we had a visit from Aunt Karen, Kevin, Emily and Erica over the weekend. Holden was still in major fuss mode due to teething so unfortunately they didn't get to see the best of him, but we appreciated all their efforts in trying to make him happy while they were here. Good practice for their little one due in June, just hope we didn't scare them too much!

Secondly, Grammy is back! Ironically that's when Holden snapped out of his crankiness for the most part. Grammy told him she didn't believe me when I said he's been miserable. She's gotten more smiles and happy playtime in 2 days than I got in a month. Guess she has the magic touch. She is now officially banned from traveling for more than a weekend at a time.

Next to report...The boys had a day (actually about 2 hours) out on their own and I was home alone for the first time in almost 5 months. Rob took Holden to gym class without me on Saturday - their first solo outing. I was left running down the driveway snapping pictures like a crazy first time mom and calmly reminding Rob to be extra, extra careful with my baby. I realize their solo trip was a long overdue and I need to let go a little...of course this realization came only after they returned home safely :)

Lastly, Holden sat in his highchair and had solid food for the first time tonight. The jury is still out on whether he is a huge fan of rice cereal, but I would call the first try a success at the very least. We'll do it again tomorrow and expand to fruits & veggies soon. He's also needing less and less of our help sitting up and his tooth is visible with his newly rediscovered big smiles. Can't believe how big he's getting already...5 months on Tuesday!

Hanging out with Aunt Karen and Erica
Showing Emily and Erica his jumperoo
Kylie sporting Erica's headband
The boys driving off on their solo trip and me giving Rob driving advice and detailed instructions from behind the camera. I'm sure that wasn't the least bit annoying.

Riding horsey on Grammy
Open Wide!

His expression says it all

All done!

1 comment:

Diane said...

I loved being part of the first food and am happy to be home to see just how much Holden has grown. He really has been working hard on growing things. Hair, a tooth and especially, those very long eyelashes. Keep going Holden!! I missed you.
xoxoxo Grammy