8 months is definitely my favorite age so far. Holden loves to sit by himself and play with his toys while squealing at the top of his lungs. It's amazing the decibals he can hit. And since he's not crawling yet, I can let him sit and play while I get some things done knowing he can't hurt himself or go very far. I've been warned I should enjoy this now because I'll be chasing him around soon enough. He reaches for toys in front of himself while sitting and ends up on his belly but despite kicking his legs and flapping his arms, he doesn't go anywhere. He can now stand while we hold his hands which makes him look like such a big boy. He's got a great appetite and will eat just about anything I give him which has led him to outgrow the infant carrier and move over the big carseat. He's switched from catnaps to longer power naps, has 4 teeth with 2 more on the way, and moved over to the big tub for baths.
We're looking forward to trying out the pool this weekend, and a big roadtrip to SC next week.
We'd also like to welcome Elizabeth Lee Barbay, Holden's newest cousin who was born this morning. Congrats Karen & Kevin!

Look at me stand!

Bath in the big tub with Daddy. He was smiling and laughing just before this picture was taken but turns into a deer in headlights when the camera comes out

Big boy carseat - another deer in headlights moment

Pastina soup - Great Grandma Cerra will be proud!

Self portrait with Daddy
1 comment:
We are so excited for your trip to S.C. Lindsey went shopping for Holden yesterday,we have the glider back in her room for Holden, and the toddler high chair is set up on one of the kitchen chairs. We're ready! Can't wait to see you, Holden, and Grammy in less than a week! Bring a bathing suit so we can go to the pool one afternoon.
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