We ventured to Winchester for the Apple Blossom Festival (aka The Bloom) with Holly & Rick. We prepped and packed the entire day before to be sure we had everything we could possibly need. You never know when Holden may suddenly take interest in a toy he's never payed attention to and gosh darn it, Mommy was going to have it handy just in case. We've taken day trips before but this was the first time we were going to be on foot for 6 plus hours in a strange combo of rainy/sunny/hot/chilly weather. We got comfy in our grand stand seats for the parade and all was going well until the first group rolled by...a large collection of motorcycles with reving engines and Holden quickly decided he wasn't a fan (sorry Uncle David). So we spent the rest of the time walking the streets of Winchester and hanging out on a blanket under a tree. Even then he was still not too happy with the parade noise. But we had a fun time visiting with Holly & Rick and hope to try again when he's old enough to enjoy it.

Hanging out under a Winchester tree

Packed up and ready to go
Some shut eye far, far away from the parade action

With Holly wearing pink & green, the official Bloom colors (and our sorority colors from many, many years ago)

Playdate later in the week with friend Owen

Hanging around

Another exhausting workout in the jumperoo
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