Holden had a ball on his first Christmas. The festivities began on Christmas Eve with our traditional seafood feast (yum) and a special overnight visit from Grammy and Ernie. We all got up around 9am and started opening presents then pigged out on bubble bread - a perfect morning! In the afternoon we headed over to Uncle David and Aunt Susan's house for Christmas dinner with cousins Annika, Olivia, and Colin plus Susan's family including their 4 cousins. Quiet would not be the word to describe the day but fun definitely would. We had a delicious dinner, even more delicious desserts and a very lively Christmas sing-a-long at the piano courtesy of their talented neighbors. The girls also played a few tunes and we were very impressed with how good they've become. Holden tried to catch a few ZZZs throughout the day but didn't want to be left out of the fun for very long. He was a trooper and enjoyed every minute of it.
Holden would like to thank everyone, including Santa, for the very generous Christmas presents!!

Either a very overdressed Holden, or a very underdressed Daddy delivering Christmas goodies to our neighbors on Christmas Eve (his 3 month/13 week birthday)
Daddy explaining that next year he'll be able to sit at the table, but the bouncey seat on the floor will have to do for now.
Holden sad to realize he's bigger than the crableg. We wanted to match the picture of cousin Lindsey and the ginormous crableg of '04
First gift on Christmas morning
Unwrapping...a new skill
Happy Santa paid a visit
Oooohhh, shiny ribbon

Surrounded by all his loot yet the shiny ribbon is still getting all his attention

Holden, Daddy, and a goofy hat at David & Susan's
Olivia (with Annika and friend Caroline) treating us to a piano recital
The sing-a-long in full swing. 9 kids + 13 adults + a talented piano player = a very fun time! We hope to make it an annual event although we'd have to pass out earplugs to all the neighbors.
Sitting in the bumbo sporting a new outfit (size 6 months!) and cute sneaker socks on the day after Christmas

And the award for cutest baby goes to...HOLDEN!