Playing with the big kids...cousins Colin and Olivia came over for a quick visit on Monday. Holden loves having them so close.
First walk in the Bjorn. Having suffered way too many sunburns myself, I was worried I was going to fry him but luckily that didn't happen. Maybe he'll be lucky and have Rob's complexion and escape the cheap Irish skin from me.
Meeting the Bruners. We were spoiled with Christina's baked ziti and brownies and a Target gift card Friday night. Holden immediately redeemed it for the Sound Spa Lullaby machine which not only plays music and nature sounds, but has a cool projection feature for the ceiling. Right now mom and dad are a little more interested in it than Holden is, but that should change soon.

Sporting shoes for the first time. A very thoughtful gift from cousins Molly & Lindsey. He also loves his wrist rattle and activity bar for the carseat, along with all the beautiful pictures they drew for him. What a lucky boy to have such thoughtful and talented cousins!
From Lindsey: "There are my shoes I gave him. They actually fit him."
That might be one of the most coherent sentences Lindsey has ever spoken. :)
From Molly: I love you, Holden. Love, Molly
From Aunt Christina: Wow, how you have grown in just 3 weeks! I loved seeing the picture of you and your Mommy together. You make her very happy!
On the fussy time/night waking: 'This too shall pass. This too shall pass.' Repeat 100 times. What a cute boy, though, to spend all that waking time with.
Love the shoes, too! Robeez and Pedi-peds rock! He doesn't need to be female for his Mommy to become hooked on baby shoes. ;)
He's just perfect ... and doing all he should be doing ... exercising those lungs ;-)
What a cutie he is. You can really see how he has changed in just a couple of weeks.
aunt Fran
Riley LOVES her soothie. Which means Pete and I LOVE her soothie. We got it from the hospital and it's the only paci she will take. I even went out and bought more to keep as spares and she won't take them.
Holden, I think in the sitting picture you look a lot like Uncle David. When I am with you , I can see both you Mommy and your Daddy in you. How lucky you are to have such wonderful parents.
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