Holden received this very special letter in the mail today from sweet cousin Molly. Only a few more weeks until they will actually meet in person...Holden can't wait. Thank you, Molly! It's been filed away with his other keepsakes.
PS - Holden wanted to say how impressed he is with your beautiful writing!
A couple pictures from yesterday...
I thought he looked pretty cute in this outfit...apparently he didn't.

Enjoying his "alone time" - a new activity this week. I thought when he was fussy he wanted to be snuggled. Turns out he just wants to be left alone for a bit. Rob said he takes after his daddy.
Molly LOVED seeing her letter on Holden's blog. She did work hard on her handwriting, we'll focus on grammar next time! :)
Keep forgetting to tell you that I loved your announcement. Can't believe in 7 months we'll be picking out announcements again! Also, Holden's gift from me and David came in but we are going to bring it Thanksgiving. Nothing he'll outgrow!
Look at how big he's gotten! I think I'm starting to see some Mommy in him?
You're so lucky that alone time is a solution. Mine HATED alone time. Whenever I put her down she'd cry like I was leaving her in a dumpster somewhere. Embrace the alone time!!!
He is so sweet. I thought the announcement was adorable also. Glad you liked the baby book. I was hoping you didn't have one. And now Holden will have a new little cousin.
Aunt Fran
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