Holden had his first Dr. appt on Monday and he got a clean bill of health. He weighed 6 lbs, 13 oz (only 1 oz shy of his birth weight) and was 20.5 inches long (half inch shy of his original length). We attribute the half inch shrinkage to the cone head which has now disappeared. We go back for another check up on Oct 8.

Bundled up and ready to go

Not too happy about getting weighed

Or measured...

Resting up after a busy day
It's funny to see a 6:15 a.m. post time from you since I know you are NOT a morning girl. One of the many changes that comes with being a mom. :)
Happy 1 week birthday to Holden.
Aunt Christina
haha! I totally noticed the time too. So happy to hear Holden is healthy and eating well.
Congrats on doing such a great job. He looks beautiful.
Grammy xoxoxo
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