Saturday, October 4, 2008

Week One in the Books

We've survived one full week at home as a family of three. Honestly, it's been easier than I thought (although I'm sure I will eat those words later). Holden is such a great baby and is so easy going. He doesn't mind getting his diaper changed, or getting a bath, or living with two crazy barking dogs. He just goes with the flow. He is nursing every 2-3 hours and if he's not eating, he's sleeping. He seems to come alive in the evenings for some quiet alert time then dozes back off to dream land. He is going longer periods at night too. Last night he had a 4 hour stretch between 2-6 AM. Because I said that, I'm sure he will be up every 2 hours tonight, but even that isn't so bad because he drifts right back to sleep after he eats. Most importantly we are happy and healthy and that's all that matters. Here's hoping that week 2 is as much of a success.


Adrienne said...

He's just perfect! Glad things are going so well. Give the munchkin a kiss for me ~

Babbling Brooke said...

I love the picture of Holden with his arms above his head. Just kickin back. Cheers!

Courtney Scott said...

Glad to hear all is going so well! He's such a cutie pie!

PS. Thanks for turning me onto blogger!

Nana said...

Holden is so adorable. So happy to see the pictures. This is a great way to keep every one up to date.

DCnSC said...

The "I'm One Week Old" picture is hysterical even though the bunny kind of scares me...

Glad to see/read everyone is doing well. Be sure to give Holden a hug and kiss for us.

Diane said...

You are such a miracle in our lives. You three make a beautiful family. Hugs to all!!
