That's what our growing boy weighed at his 2 week check up on Wednesday...almost a full pound heavier than his birth weight. He also grew an inch since his last appt at 5 days old. He goes back Nov 24 for his 2 month appt...he'll get 3 shots and an oral vaccine. I'm already dreading it!! Afterwards, Grammy took us shopping as part of our first big outting. Holden did great considering he was in his carseat for 5 hours.

Tuesday we went for a long walk in the neighborhood and then headed out to pick pumpkins and get into the Halloween spirit. We ended up with 3 pumpkins, one for each of us. Here's Holden posing with our selection.

Ready for the walk using "the wheels" from Paula
And finally this week Holden got to meet Ernie. He was out of town when Holden was born then returned with a nasty cold, so the meeting had to be delayed. Holden looks forward to spending lots of fun times with Ernie at the river, and learning all of Ernie's handyman skills!

Oh, and here's Holden's 2 week shot. Has he changed much since week 1?
You're up posting at 6AM?! Hope Holden, thus all of you, had a good night!
Breastfeeding must be going really well if he's up 1 pound from birthweight already. Good job!
sweet sweet sweet! He's so tiny! H & J seemed like they were toddlers when they were born! Before you know it he'll be ready for pre-k :)
He has Rob's hairline!!!
Holden is doing very well. You can see the difference a week has made. He truly is a growing boy.
Nana is me.
Aunt Fran
I sure did love going out with you and Mommy and showing you off. Seems even strangers agreed with us that you are just beautiful.
Grammy xoxoxo
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